Recognized Teaching Innovation Group SIMIP

Recognized Teaching Innovation Group for the Development and Application of Simulation Tools in Process Engineering (URJC) 

Teaching Innovation Group for the development and application of simulation tools in process engineering


This name adequately describes the objective of the group, focused on the development of virtual laboratory practices to promote online learning, the development of content open to the entire educational community and aimed at improving the quality of teaching in our students in the field of engineering degrees of the ESCET, where most of the teaching activities of the components of the teaching innovation group are included.

The group aims to develop tools to build specific simulation programs or packages that allow students to describe basic processes in their field of engineering, such as those addressed in higher courses, applicable in subjects such as engineering projects or the Final Degree Project.

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Main lines of action


The development and use of these tools throughout the Degree, would optimize student performance, reducing academic failure mainly in technical subjects of advanced courses.

The familiarization with simulation tools can allow the realization of complementary activities to those already carried out in laboratories and case study seminars through its implementation in Myapps and/or virtual classroom, becoming a very active methodology in the teaching of process design.

These activities encourage the use of digital technologies for the development of learning complex cases, often difficult to address at classroom or laboratory level.
Educational activities based on process simulation tools in engineering are part of a strategic line of application of resources and materials for seminars and open laboratory practices.

The teaching innovation group is made up of professors from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos:
And the High Performance Research Group in Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (GIQA):

Web 1    Web 2